
Egerton Church of England

Primary School

Together, we inspire, nurture and thrive.


The Write Stuff by Jane Considine

At Egerton CE Primary School, we use and adapt ‘The Write Stuff’, created by Jane Considine, as a resource to teach our English lessons.

The Write Stuff is a system that sharpens the teaching and learning of writing within class. It is research informed and practically applies evidence into effective best bets for improving writing outcomes.

The approach is based on two guiding principles; teaching sequences that slide between experience days and sentence stacking lessons. With modelling at the heart of them, the sentence stacking lessons are broken into bite-sized chunks and taught under the structural framework of The Writing Rainbow. Teachers will prepare children for writing by modelling the ideas, grammar or techniques of writing.

Fantastic Foundations - The Write Stuff in the Early Years is a system that puts key aspects of communication at the heart of teaching. By implementing Jane Considine's methods, pupils' language are nurtured through developing ideas, strengthening talk and widening writing opportunities.
