
Egerton Church of England

Primary School

Together, we inspire, nurture and thrive.



Children are expected to arrive by 8.50am. Any children arriving after 8.50am should be accompanied by a parent, who must sign them in along with the reason for lateness. The class register will close at 08.55 am. Pupils arriving after the register has closed will be marked as late after registration and this will count as an unauthorised absence.


Leave of Absence/Holiday

The Headteacher may authorise absence in “exceptional circumstances” but this must be requested in advance and agreement to each request is at the discretion of the Headteacher, acting on behalf of the Governing Body (Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006). Each case will be judged on its merits and the Headteacher’s decision is final. Once the decision not to authorise leave is taken, it cannot be authorised retrospectively.


For further clarification please see the Attendance Policy below.
