Our Computing curriculum provides children with a high quality computing education that will equip them with computational thinking skills, provide opportunities to apply computing skills in various digital contexts and enable them to become active participants in the digital world. We recognise that technology is a part of children’s everyday lives and it is important in the ever-changing world of technology for children to engage in positive experiences as they use technology to express themselves, both as tools for learning and as a means to drive their generation forward into the future .
Through high quality teaching, we develop the following essential characteristics of technology users:
Computing is taught on a termly basis using the NCCE Teaching Computing Scheme, and Barefoot Computing is used in the Early Years Foundation Stage to provide the foundational experiences of computational thinking. We also aim to ensure that computing experiences are integrated into other areas of the curriculum and the basic skills are taught throughout the year through cross curricular work.
We ensure that our Computing curriculum excites the children to develop their computing skills and for them to further understand how this relates and strengthens their learning across the curriculum. Children have opportunities to see first-hand how the computing skills and knowledge they are learning can be used responsibly and successfully across many subjects.
The programmes of study are carefully planned and delivered showing progression, enabling children to develop computing skills and knowledge. Lessons are planned so that children learn the required skills and knowledge but curriculum links to other subject areas enable children to embed the skills that have learnt in a purposeful context. Children have access to a full range of resources to support their learning including laptops, I-pads, Blue-Bots, Crumble kit, Mirco-bit kit, data-loggers and a large number of apps that are integral for their learning.