Other wellbeing and nurture interventions offered include Drawing & Talking, Lego therapy intervention & Walk & Talk time.
Lego Therapy Intervention
The Lego Intervention is run on a weekly basis for six/twelve weeks for 45 minutes per session.
Aimed at…
To increase a child’s ability to engage and work co-operatively with his/her peers.
To increase a child’s strategies for compromise and negotiation.
To support a child’s ability to initiate conversation and respond appropriately.
To support a child’s ability to take direction from his/her peers.
What is Lego Therapy Intervention?
Drawing & Talking Overview
Drawing & Talking runs for 12 sessions, 30 minutes on the same day, same time, same place each week, this is important as it relies on building a trusting relationship. At the end of the 12 weeks the child is given their drawings to keep.
Drawing enables, a child to express, in a visual form, worries and preoccupations from deep in the mind that they feel that they are not able to talk about. Drawings enable symbolic & safe expression of worries and feelings. Over time, with an empathic adult giving the child attention and talking to them in a gentle, thoughtful and supportive way, asking non-intrusive questions about their drawing, the child can create a story through the pictures.
In addition, all staff have undertaken Emotion Coaching training, and this is updated each year by the SENCo. As part of our whole school provision many teachers have built in class wellbeing time on a weekly basis.