
Egerton Church of England

Primary School

Together, we inspire, nurture and thrive.

School Uniform

Our school uniform is an important part of Egerton's identity because it reinforces who we are as a community and contributes to the feeling of pride the children have for their school. 


We appreciate your support in following our school uniform guidance.


Uniform List

Sweatshirt/Cardigan with logo **                               Royal Blue (sweatshirt £9.90 and cardigan £10.35)

Polo-shirt                                                                       White

Pinafore/Skirt                                                                 Grey

Long trousers/Shorts                                                     Grey

Tights                                                                             Grey

Socks                                                                             Grey/White

Summer Dress                                                               Blue & white gingham check & white socks

Book Bag with logo **                                                  Royal Blue.  Gifted by the school (replacement £5.25)


Shoes (footwear should be sensible)                             Black flat covered shoes (trainers are not permitted)

 Boots can be worn in terms 2, 3 & 4 only.  They should  be of a plain design, black in colour and have low heels.


Pupils can travel to school in other footwear but must have a pair of school shoes, as above, to change into.


PE t-shirt with logo **                                                  Royal Blue (£5.55)

PE Shorts/Skort                                                             Navy


Drawstring bag for PE kit                                               Gifted by the school (replacement £1.60)



Sweatshirt top (for outdoor PE)                                     Plain Navy

Jogging bottoms (for outdoor PE)                                  Plain Navy



Please note ** denotes items that can only be purchased via the school. 

Orders must be placed and paid for via SCOPAY.


Our school uniform, apart from logo items, can be purchased at a variety of high street shops and superstores.

Gifted Items

The school will gift a book bag and PE drawstring bag to every new entrant, when they start at our school.  Any replacements will incur a small charge as noted above.


The PE drawstring bag is available in a choice of colours:

Black; Bottle Green; Emerald Green; Maroon; Navy; Purple; Red and Royal Blue.


The school office will hold a small stock of school branded sweatshirts, cardigans, PE t-shirts and book bags.  Additional orders will be placed on a regular basis.  To purchase school uniform please log into your SCOPAY account and order and pay for your chosen items. 


The school also has a small amount of nearly new branded items, which are available at a much reduced price.  Parents are encouraged to donate any branded items their child no longer needs back to the school, to add to what we have available.  The nearly new items are available to any family, please contact Miss Moore on  to enquire what we have available.



Name Labels

We ask that everything your child wears or brings into school is named.  This makes it much easier to reunite children with their belongings when items are mislaid.


If you are looking to purchase name labels you can use the link below:
