Matthew 22:39 and Mark 12:31 Good News Translation (GNT) of the Bible
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”
At Egerton we see ourselves as the heart of the local community and recognise our role in bringing local people together to inspire the work of the children and to join in with our celebrations.
We have close links with our local church, St James’s and make a weekly visit to participate in religious services. Furthermore, the parish vicar visits the school frequently to get involved in everyday school life. We have a supportive, hard-working Friends community that works tirelessly to raise money for the school and is always on hand to welcome new parents and children into the Egerton community.
We try to use the services of local businesses where possible and we like to involve members of the community in helping to develop our curriculum. We welcome parents and visitors to the school to share their experiences with the children and bring the children’s learning to life, as well as support our learners either in the classroom or outdoors. We have strong links with surrounding rural schools and work together on joint projects.