
Egerton Church of England

Primary School

Together, we inspire, nurture and thrive.

Vision and Values

Our School Vision

‘Together, we inspire, nurture and thrive.’


Egerton inspires joy in life by cherishing childhood within a rich and creative learning journey. 

Our Christian values influence all decisions enabling our community to flourish. 

We nurture everyone to reach their full potential as God intends, in mind, body and soul.


Our vision and associated values are theologically centred on the Bible narrative ‘Feeding of the 5000’ (Matthew 14: 13-21, Mark 6: 30-44, Luke 9: 10-17, John 6: 1-16).


The feeding of the 5000 represents our school.  In the story there was an inclusion of all people. With Jesus in the midst the crowd received nourishment for their body, mind, heart and soul, first in Jesus’ teaching and then in receiving food. This meal was offered by the hands of a child and through Jesus’ miraculous power it became a meal in abundance.


Our Vision Explained

  • Jesus showed how to feed all minds, bodies and souls to all at the lakeside.
    As a school community we aim to provide an education giving  ‘Life in all its fullness.’ Our mission is to nurture mind, body and soul of all children and adults.
  • Jesus welcomed and fed everyone without exception.
    Our school community is fully inclusive without compromise; we welcome all and aim to meet individual needs, especially the vulnerable.
  • God chose a child to begin his miracle.
    We believe in a child centred (holistic) philosophy of teaching and learning.
  • A tiny offering produced an abundance for all.
    We value everyone’s uniqueness, gifts and abilities, however, small and provide the right nurturing environment so that each person can thrive.
  • Miracle inspired the crowds to follow Jesus and find a better way to live.
    Our aim is for all to flourish as a result of good mental health and well-being, fellowship in a safe and nonjudgmental community, supported by excellent role models, who have high aspirations for all, driven by gospel values.

Our six Christian Values are derived from the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ story.  Please click below to find out how our special story inspires life and learning at Egerton.
